The Greatest Ever Amiga Software?
Hello to one and all, What is the greatest ever piece of Amiga software? In my own personal opinion Winuae is. "How can this be" i hear...

Scan Magic Scandoubler/Flicker Fixer
Hi all, I remember some time ago having a scan magic, there were no documents showing how to install them and if a wire broke off (as they o

The True Believers Comic Festivals
Hi all, the guys over at http://oktruebelievers.com/ are holding some comic festivals soon, why not go take a look at what they have on?...

Fitting an A1200 into a PC case
Hi all, so i have started to fit an A1200 into a PC case, why? why not? ;) so case has been machined to allow access to the Amiga's...

Diary of a Retro Computing Geek
My brother was married in the Summer of 1985 to his long-time girlfriend and school sweetheart and promptly moved out of the family home...

Les Railton's (Phipscube) Super A1200 Part 2
A continuation of the amazing work by Phipscube "So here are a few more things i've been doing: - I managed to fit the Subway along the...

FriendUP, Spirit of the Amiga?
FriendUp : The spirit of Amiga? Hi all, So, what is FriendUP? In a nutshell it is an OS within a browser….. but it is much more than...

A Retro Gaming Night For Alli update and thank you!
Just wanted to post up Mike Penman's lovely video, clcik here to see what was done and what was achieved :) if you attended thank you,...

Les Railton's (Phipscube) Super A1200 Part 1
I have always said there are 2 Amiga projects that have totally blown me away, 1 was the A1200 fitted into an A600 case, the other is...

Oculus Rift DK1 (learning time)
First things first, a HUGH thank you to John McDermott for lending me his Oculus Rift DK1 :) (thanks buddy) Setting up the hardware is a...