Did you know i am on twitter? I had actually forgotten I had a Twitter account lol, you see I am a retro geek and get easily confused by...

Happy 30th birthday Amiga :)
Well 30 years is a good landmark for our fav computer, what amazes me most is that 30 years on and the Amiga is still useable, may the...

Wing Commander CD32 on an AGA Amiga
Personally I think Wing Commander on the Amiga rox, it was the game that most impressed me back in the day, the story, the choices, the...

Amiga Documents 2.3.1 what an amazing site.
Trawling through the internet i found this website Amiga Documents 2.3.1 There is a lot of reading ahead methinks

Super Mega Ultra CD32 ;)
well here is another project underway and so far so good, we'll see how the rest of this pans out it is a DVD burner and yes the disc...

A Retro Gaming Night For Alli - Saturday 14th November 2015
Hi all, this is chance for us all to get to gether have some fun and raise some money for Weston Park Hospital, We have all been touch by...

Top 100 Amiga Games
RESULTS The votes are in, the sums have been done, and finally, after much blood, sweat and broken calculators we can bring you the...

Amiga Walker case design rights
A lot of mis-information seems to be out there in Amiga land about who owns the Amiga Walker case design, not the hardware or software...

Amiga CD32 with SX32 re-build
Hi Folks! As promised a little update on the project I shared with you before the weekend. CD32’s can be quite prone to Capacitor leakage...

Cheltonian Geekfest a review by John McDermott
It has been almost five years since the first big retro gaming event - “R3Play 2010 in Blackpool” when I and a bunch of retro computer...