Amiga CD32 with SX32 re-build

Hi Folks!
As promised a little update on the project I shared with you before the weekend.
CD32’s can be quite prone to Capacitor leakage so for precaution I had my Motherboard serviced with new capacitors. This article is the re-build process.

Once again the shield needs to be removed as I’m fitting my Indivision AGA MkII, as you can see the RF modulator has been removed, this is so that I can mount the HDMI adapter here:

Here is the Indivision in place:

Kipper2k’s HDMI adapter is a perfect fit:

Here she is inside the bottom case with my SX32 connected. The SX32 clears the Indivision no problem but the connector on the Indivision does get in the way a little…

My SX32 has 8mb Fast Ram and 2gb CF card on the internal IDE.

As you can see, the case closed – no problem!

HDMI port doesn’t look out of place at all!

Rear ports on the SX32:

At first boot the SX32 wasn’t detected, but nice to see the splash screen…

After all connectors cleaned she’s booting up just fine.

I’m using an AT PSU with Amigakit’s adapter, for the Keyboard I’m using a Lyra adapter.
I’m running Classic Workbench Full with mfilos’ Magic Workbench Icons in SuperPlus 800×600 via the Indivision AGA MkII:

I like the way you can customise the title bar with Scalos.

And of course WHDLoad installed

Beautiful clear image over HDMI on my TV:

I’m running the original Indivision Core so my image is to the right slightly but does not bother me, the image is otherwise perfect.

I hope you enjoyed the pics