Les Railton's (Phipscube) Super A1200 Part 10
so we are now into double figures in Les's A1200 build
It's time to replace the caps on BVPPC. 3 here..


4 on top

Sorted. 5 106 caps and 2 107 caps to do BV.

I'm Adding 2 fans to BV and ditching my case fans. this is so I can run the machine with the lid off for longer than 10 mins, without fear of frying the Permedia 2 chip.

Fixed on with 2mm screws and a small dollop or super glue at the base of each sat in the heat sink. Cut and routed both wires to a header.

I took off the express mode jumpers as sometimes the machine would boot with an exclaimer saying that express mode was off. I suspected the jumpers, and since I wont ever run in non-express I decided to hard solder. No problems now I also cleaned up the board a bit and applied some lacquer.

I got a new PLCC socket for my Indivision from Cosmos. Sometimes my system would have no screen from cold boot. This better quality connector should hopefully solve the problem.

Taken off the plastic bits with a dremel

here's the old socket (in all its sanded-down-from-new glory)

Out ya come old chap

I added a spacer to help with connecting IDE cables to the IDEFIX. This will stop the Indi popping off when I apply pressure.

The new socket is on now. You can see how the spacer helps here. (The Ide Fix express is on top).

Finished off with a bit of a clean and laquer

Now to replace the caps on BPPC.

Off they come on one side.

And new ones added.

Fan and heatsink off PPC some are under that. But there is also one under the oscillators.

Oscillators off too. Here's a zoom out view. (Notice I have the correct ML2032 Rechargeable Batt now too)

If you look closely, I have a job with the two caps near the glued on nuts. they are half covered in glue

No probs, here's most of the other side done....

But I looked between the pins of the 060 and saw what looked like more caps, after Cosmos confirmed there are 3 more there, I took off the 060 and lo behold!

New ones in As you can see, Oscillators, heatsinks and fan are back on. all in all for non SCSI its 33 106 caps and 5 107 caps. you need 5 more 106 for SCSI.

So there are my tweaks gathered together. I have a few more to do too. Little things i've noticed that are a bit annoying. So hopefully they refine this beast even more Thanks for looking!
part 11 will on it's way soon :)