Minimig going from strength to strength....
Not a lot to say here, just have a read over at http://somuch.guru/minimig/minimig-mist/#features

Amiga 30, a personal tour with John McDermott
30 Years is a long time in anyone’s book…. What I didn’t expect was that 30 years on from when I first began to hear murmurings about a...
Amiga 30 video
Well another Amiga 30 update, a video of some of the high lights, a big thank you to Michael Nurney for letting me share this :)

Amiga 30 years, can't go unmentioned
Hi to one and all. I have been very remiss in my updating of this site and quite frankly it is not good enough. I am talking to some...

Amiga CD32 brought back to life
Hello to one and all, Recently a friend of mine (thanks Gareth) gave me a non working CD32, it would boot up but wouldn't read any discs;...

Hell yeah!! a retro mug coaster!
That's right, you read it correctly, today I made my very own retro cup/mug coaster, prepare to turn green with envy :)

Windows 10 1st impressions
Windows 10, what do we think? better than Windows 8? could it be worse? Well it is not worse you will be glad to hear :) but is it...

Changes at Crazy Horse Gaming
My excellent friends over at Crazy Horse Gaming are having a revamp, anyone fancy joining them watch the vid here

A note worthy moment for me :)
Hi all, a huge thank you to everyone that has visited my web page, I have now had over 20,000 page visits so thank you for taking the...

NES alarm clock
Hi all, I found a little time to move my NES clock project along a bit :) I do not like having a bright clock in the bedroom and I also...