Super Mega Ultra CD32 ;)
well here is another project underway and so far so good, we'll see how the rest of this pans out it is a DVD burner and yes the disc fits and spins freely. All by hand, hacksaw, files, sweat and blood (yes blood, as i did cut myself)

do not worry, no working CD32s were injured during this project and i am fully prepared for the onslaught of hate mail i am not hiding anything on this project, i am just going to update this as and when i can. today i modded the front panel on the CD32 case, the CD32 reset button is now the machines on/off button and i have put in a couple of LEDs for power and drive access, these will illuminate through the original LED slots in the top of the case and of course just connect to the motherboards front panel connector. the DVD drive from a slimline laptop drive has a JAE to SATA adaptor so again just connects straight to the mobos SATA3 connector

so everything works and the Super Ultra Mega CD32 is rocking OS3.9 a boat load of memory and wifi built in :)

now, calm down and try to refrain from posting hate mail lol
cheers, Justin