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Scan Magic Scandoubler/Flicker Fixer

Hi all,

I remember some time ago having a scan magic, there were no documents showing how to install them and if a wire broke off (as they often do) no way to work out which wire went where, so this nice little guide to help everyone, please enjoy and share :)

Scan Magic/FlickerMagic – Powered by Amiga

Installation Guide for Amiga 1200 and Amiga 4000

Before installing the ScanMagic/FlickerMagic, please read this guide carefully. To avoid damages by static discharge, touch a grounded objection (e.g. radiator). Switch off your computer and any devices attached to it.

Disassembly of the Amiga 1200 · Lay the computer with the keyboard facing downwards onto a soft surface. Remove the 8 screws that fix the cases and the disk drive.

· Turn the computer around and lift the top lid. You can put the lid and the keyboard aside, but please make sure you don’t damage the keyboard cable.

· Disconnect the cables of the disk drive and the LED plug. The disk drive is secured with another screw. Please remove it and put the drive away. If you have an internal hard drive please also disconnect and remove it.

· The next step is the removal of the shielding. It is secured by the last remaining screen and nine latches, which you can easily bend open with a screwdriver.

Disassembly of the Amiga 4000

Please refer to your user’s manual for a detailed description of how to disassemble your computer.

Now pick up the ScanMagic and install the part with the IC’s on the chip labelled ‘Lisa’ (CBM 391227). In the Amiga 1200, this chip is marked as U4 and is located 3cm to the right of the IDE controller and 4cm below the RGB port. In the Amiga 4000 ‘Lisa’ is marked as 4540, located about 1cm to the left of the daughterboard connector. Put the ScanMagic on U4.U450 with the ribbon cable facing towards the RGB port. According to your version of ScanMagic/FlickerMagic there are different ways to proceed.

ScanMagic/FlickerMagic Standard with RGB adapter (for Amiga 1200 only) This version features an RGB adapter which is connected to the ScanMagic/FlickerMagic by a ribbon cable with 10 wires. Plug the adapter into your computer’s RGB port and connect your monitor to the adapter’s VGA connector.

ScanMagic/FlickerMagic T with Alice adapter (for Amiga 1200 Towers or Amiga 4000) This version comes with an adapter for the Alice chip, which is connected to the ScanMagic/FlickerMagic by a 2-wired cable. Put the adapter on the chip labelled U2 in the Amiga 1200/U211 in the Amiga 4000 (“Alice”, 8374m CMB 391010). When installed in the Amiga 1200, The wires must be facing towards the ScanMagic/FlickerMagic, in the Amiga 4000 the wires face towards the computer’s front side. Then mount the VGA outlet (connected to the ScanMagic/FlickerMagic by a ribbon cable with 10 wires) at an appropriate spot anywhere inside the case.

Re-assemble your computer and connect the monitor to the ScanMagic/FlickerMagic’s VGA connector.

ScanMagic/FlickerMagic doubles the line frequency of the following screen modes: NTSC, PAL, and EURO36. FlickerMagic also de-interlaces said interlaced modes, so you always get a non-interfaced display. Any other screenmode is by-passed without modification or loss of quality.

Please note that the screenmodes Multiscan Productivity, Euro 72 and DbIPAL might need the VGAonly driver installed in DEVS:Monitors to be displayed on standard VGA monitors.

Thanks to JuvUK, Mrs JuvUK, Zetr0 and Bazzaq 22-07-2010

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