Amiga CDTV x86 Project
Hi all once again. My last project was to use a broken CDTV case and re purpose it into an everyday usable machine. Surprisingly there is...

CDTV ownership part 2
Hi again to one and all, As promised here is part 2 of my CDTV ownership adventure. I have finally soldered the video bypass mod in...

CDTV 1st use and video bypass
I have always wanted a CDTV, and now finally thanks to my wife and John McDermott I have one (thanks) OK so just playing around with it...

The Greatest Ever Amiga Software?
Hello to one and all, What is the greatest ever piece of Amiga software? In my own personal opinion Winuae is. "How can this be" i hear...

Scan Magic Scandoubler/Flicker Fixer
Hi all, I remember some time ago having a scan magic, there were no documents showing how to install them and if a wire broke off (as they o

Amiga Walker
A few more pictures of the Amiga Walker, I love this machine even though it does look like Darth Vader's helmet ;) and yes it is even on...

Amiga Walker display case LEDS
Just a test picture of some LEDS I have added to the Amiga Walker display case ready for the 1st show in Feb 2015 :) #amiga #walker...

Great links to visit
just a few links to some great sites I like to visit. a fun gaming site, with some great reviews http://crazyhorsegaming.blogspot.co.uk/2...

Amiga Walker
If we use the 'way-back-when machine' and travel all the way back to 1995/6 we will be at the beginning of the end of the chicken-lipped...

So, what's all this about then?
Greetings to you one and all, So you have wandered here, been directed, found your way or stumbled across this page and are now thinking...