CDTV ownership part 2
Hi again to one and all,
As promised here is part 2 of my CDTV ownership adventure.
I have finally soldered the video bypass mod in place, the joystick and mouse ports are correctly fitted into the case, I have added 8 mb of ram and a Gotek :)
With the extra memory, the extended CDTV roms, Kickstart 3.1 rom and the Gotek the CDTV has finally become usable, it is actually quite fun to use and although it is an A500 it strangley doesn't feel quite like an Amiga (can't quite put my finger on why that is).
The memory has given the CDTV a slight speed increase but nothing to write home about.
It is nice to see workbench 3.1 running.
One thing I have learned about using the CDTV with a Gotek is that you can not use an Amiga external floppy drive lead and controller board with the Gotek, it causes an init error, so get a proper external cable for your Gotek and all will be well with the world :)
Well that is all for now, there will be a part 3 once some more bits have arrived, so now I'm off to play Frontier Elite 2 on my CDTV :) have fun all